The Worth of Souls is Great in the sight of GOD
Dear Reader,  From The Heart,  Inspired,  LDS,  True Life

2021 Resolutions

I’ve made a lot of strides in 2020. The pandemic gave me the opportunity to slow down and just ~be~ for a while. Although I felt like a failure at the beginning of the year, I’m seeing progress and a revived love of life.

This year was hard. Without going into too much detail, I got to one of the darkest places I’ve ever been. That girl was fragile and broken. To put it simply, I felt the farthest from myself.

But I have hope again. I have compassion for the still fragile and somewhat broken girl I still am. I am more patient with myself and somehow more motivated all the same.

2020 sucked. And it didn’t.

I don’t want to make a list of things I want to accomplish in 2021. Instead, I want to focus on ~being~ more. I want to get to know myself and see the desires I have bloom into fruition. I have some tangible goals- as one should- and I have a few things I want to improve.

So, here are my resolutions for 2021:

  • Be more kind
  • Share more knowledge
  • Listen more
  • Feel more
  • Love more
  • Learn more
  • Share my testimony more

And on that last note, I’ll leave my 2020 with this:

I am here because Jesus Christ loves me and knows exactly how I’ve felt. He has been where I have been and he has felt the darkest feelings I’ve felt. I have hope because my hope is in Him. Even in the moments I felt the farthest from Grace, He was there. He IS there. He knows my heart and will guide me as I seek to do good on this earth.

I am not alone. I am loved. I am worthy of love. I am neither helpless, nor hopeless. And I am not ashamed to ~be~. All the parts of me- even the dark places- are beautiful.

Happy New Year, friends! And I do mean HAPPY.



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