‘Twas The Day Before Finals
This is an adaption of “‘Twas The Night Before Christmas” that I wrote in about 20 minutes on Sunday. I may revise it at a later date, but I wanted to get it out there for enjoyment. 🙂
Happy Finals Week, Y’all!
‘Twas The Day Before Finals
Adapted by Savannah M. Hawkins
‘Twas the day before finals, when all thro’ the dorm
Not a creature was stirring—that wasn’t the norm;
The textbooks were placed on the desks with great care
In hopes that the knowledge soon would be there;
The residents were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Christmas break danc’d in their heads,
And my roommate in her headphones and I with my map,
Had just accidentally settled down for a short winter’s nap—
When then my alarm created such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see that the time was much later and that it mattered.
Away to the showers I flew like a flash,
Got dressed in a tizzy and threw on my sash.
The sun shining down on the mucky-yucky snow,
Made my feet slip—how I hate the wretched snow;
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a helpful review room and 8 useful TAs,
With a large old professor so lively and thick,
I knew in a moment this test would be quick.
More rapid were the slides that held information,
Than the amount of sleep I had had after drinking caffination.
“Now! Washington, now! Lincoln, now! Reagan and Nixon,
“On! Grammar, on! Chemistry, on! Physics and Bio!
With new-found determination and the end in sight,
I ran to the testing center ready to fight.
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