A Rose By Any Other Name
Hello, my friends!Β
Today I would like to discuss a topic that is very near and dear to my heart: my name.
The reason this topic is on my mind, is that I was recently called yet another name. It was pretty cute, I have to say, since the one who deemed it my name is a four-year-old little girl. π
I love my name. Honest to goodness, I am glad that I was born with the name that I have and I will not change any part of it! (Except my last name, of course. I love it, but I am perfectly fine with changing it one day. π
Over my 19 years of life I have been called many different things by many different people. Some titles I like, some not so much.
Before I write the plethora of names I have been called (in a good way, no worries.), please note that unless you are a child, I do not appreciate being given a nickname that is an alteration of my actual name.
Before further adieu, in no specific order, here are the names I have been called! π
1) Savannah- my given name. Also the name I prefer to be called. π I was named after the movie “Savannah Smiles”.
2) Susie- given to me by a boy I was friends with long ago who couldn’t say my name.
3) SaPookie- one of my many childhood family nicknames.
4) Chu-Chu (pronounced “Shoo-Shoo”)- called by my momma after we watched “If A Man Answers”- an old Sandra Dee movie.
4) Shay, or sometimes Shay-Shay- also my momma.
5) Sabana- think my name, but in baby talk.
6) Multiple spellings of my name (in writing)- NOT MY NAME. I WILL CORRECT YOU.
7) Poison Ivy- My dear friend The Joker gave me that nickname after a visit to Six Flags.
8) Ariel- self explanatory. Β (Also, my favorite Disney Princess for most of my life.
9) Giselle- mainly started after I dressed up as Giselle for Halloween one year. Also my current favorite Disney Princess.
10) Savvy- One of my uncles.
11) Vannah- This one… I don’t like this one a lot… Or even a little… It’s best not to call me it.
12) Espuhvannah- a 4 year old a few years ago.
13) Princess
14) Nanna- My momma.
15) nanr!- My brother, Andrew.
16) Suh-nanna- various family members.
17) Suh-nanr!- ditto.
18) Sav- I am weirdly okay with this one.
And last, but not least, the name I was called today by a 4 year old girl:
19) Sofina. Pretty, huh? Thank you, little girl for making me smile. π
So there you have it! 19 nicknames for my 19 years of life! I wasn’t planning on it being that cool, but it is. π
(Okay, so I probably couldΒ come up with a few more involving my hair, but I wanna leave it at 19. Maybe I’ll add to it next year when I am 20? Hmm…)
Goodnight, ma dears!
Thank you for sitting through another one of my long winded posts that really don’t have anything to do with anything! π
Urban Dictionary’s top result for my name:
Random name meaning website’s version:
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