From The Archives,  LDS

Waiting on a missionary… to write me a letter!

Clever title, eh?
First of all, let me note that I am not waiting on a missionary. I have a few really good friends-I could even go so far as to say best friends-that are serving missions right now, who I miss something fierce. As far as the whole “more-than-friends” thing, let me state that I made the decision a long time ago (again, a story for another time) that I did not want to seriously date anyone who was not a returned missionary. This is something that has been extremely important to me and I am so glad to say that I have kept that promise to myself.
That being the case, I have a strictly platonic relationship with each of my dear elders. (Pun definitely intended. :D) And that is as far as I will elaborate on that subject.

Recently, I applied to be a Resident Assistant for one of the dorms at my school and I was offered the position! This is a super huge blessing that I am beyond grateful for.

The dilemma that this brings is that I don’t know what my new address is, which means that I can’t tell my missionaries where to write me after I leave Texas. My plan is to wait until after this weekend to see if they have sent me a letter that I can reply to, but if not I will send them each a letter on Monday to let them know that I will need to send them my address before they can write again.

I’m just a little impatient right now, I guess you could say, since I want to tell them my good news. The three guys I am writing right now are ones who each know me in a different way, but I feel like they know me a lot more than other people do. One I’ve been friends with since I was about 11 or so, the next one since I was 14, and the last since I was 16. They have all taught me things in the time that I have known them, which has helped me to try and be a better person. To me, that’s the definition of a true friend. They’ve always had my back, so to speak. 🙂 I care about them a whole lot and I know they care about me.
Which is why I miss them and why I got the idea for this post!
It all started when I started to post some babble on Twitter using the hashtag #FixAQuote.
Without further adieu, here are my “Fixed” Quotes involving writing letters to missionaries!

1) “Waiting for [your letter] is like waiting for rain in this drought.” ~A Cinderella Story
2) “Hey, I just [wrote] you and this is crazy, but [you have my address], so [write] me maybe?” ~Carly Rae Jepson
3) “[Letters are] like baby shoes. When you coat them with gold, they can no longer be [read].” ~John Updike
4) “[Write me] whenever possible. It is always possible.” ~Dalai Lama
 5) “You are never too old to set another goal or to [write me].” ~C.S. Lewis
6) “Expect [letters] and [write] them for breakfast.” ~Alfred A. Montapert
7) “If you can dream it, you can [write] it.” ~Walt Disney
8) “[Write] as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James
9) “Who [writes] will [be written to].” ~Sophocles
10) “[Writing] is not an act, it is a habit.” ~Aristotle 
11) “What you [read] today can improve all your tomorrows.” ~Ralph Marston
12) “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you [write].” ~Henry David Thoreau
13) “All you need [are letters]. [Letters are] all you need.” ~The Beatles
14) “I’m going to [write] him a [letter] he can’t refuse.” ~The Godfather
15) “Here’s [writing to] you, kid.” ~Casablanca
16) “E.T. [write] home.” ~E.T.
17) “Show me the [letters]!” ~Jerry Maguire
18) “You can’t handle the [letter]!” ~A Few Good Men
19) “If you [write] it, [s]he will [read].” ~Field of Dreams
20) “Mama always said life was like a [mailbox]. You never know what you’re gonna get.” ~Forrest Gump
21) “My [letters].” ~Lord of The Rings
22) “And in the morning, I’m [writing letters]!” ~Shrek
SO, there you go! Feel free to comment if you can think of any more.

Signing off,


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