I stand all amazed
This is a post that I wrote as a draft, but never had the time to publish. Here you go!
I Stand All Amazed
The last few weeks have been difficult for me to keep a positive outlook on life. The experiment I challenged all of you too had worked well for me, but I think I let stress get the better of me and I stopped after that week was over.
Before I get to this week, let me begging by talking about that challenge and how it went for the week I tried it:
That week was probably the hardest week I have ever had, not to mention all of the stress that was put on me. As I started to look at the things that were good in my life, I started to see the bad things turn into blessings. I realized that when times are tough, we can only make it better or worse. We can change what trial we are enduring, but we can change our perspective. When I started to look at the bright side of life, those trials did not leave, but my burden became lighter.
Like I said earlier, these last few weeks have been hard on me. I have finals to prepare for and take, bags to pack, and I had to audition for my major. I wish I could say that there was something that kept me going, but honestly I just stopped. Today at church I had a bit of an epiphany. The strongest way that I can be affected is through music. In my church we sing lots of hymns in every meeting. We have a special meeting that is the most important meeting of them all called the sacrament. In this meeting we get to hear from speakers in our congregation that have been given a specific topic. We also partake of the sacrament. I believe (please don’t be offended if I am wrong) that this is sometimes called communion in other religions. The members of the priesthood bless (or say a prayer over) the bread and water, then they pass it out to the members to partake.
As this portion of the meeting commenced, I took the time to ponder the sacrifice that was made for me. The hymn we had sang before the blessing of the sacrament was “I Stand All Amazed” and I made sure to ponder the words I had sang in my moment of reverence. In those moments I felt closer to my Savior than I have in a while. Sometimes we just need to have moments when we feel the love of the savior so strongly that it hits us in every way imaginable and we can’t help but see the Lord’s hand in our lives.
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